Welcome to The London Compassion Society

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Who is Eligible?

Thousands of Canadians are federally licensed to possess and use medical marijuana through Health Canada. Medical marijuana is a proven safe, virtually side effect-free alternative to all pharmaceuticals. Different strains affect different illnesses. We want to help find the right one for you.

Who is eligible to use medical marijuana? The regulations outline two categories of people who can apply to possess marijuana for medical purposes.

Category 1 – Click Here For an Application Form

This category is comprised of any symptoms treated within the context of providing compassionate end-of-life care; or the symptoms associated with the specified medical conditions listed in the schedule to the Regulations, namely:

  • Severe pain and/or persistent muscle spasms from multiple sclerosis;
  • Severe pain and/or persistent muscle spasms from a spinal cord injury;
  • Severe pain and/or persistent muscle spasms from spinal cord disease;
  • Severe pain, cachexia, anorexia, weight loss, and/or severe nausea from cancer;
  • Severe pain, cachexia, anorexia, weight loss, and/or severe nausea from HIV/AIDS infection;
  • Severe pain from severe forms of arthritis; or
  • Seizures from epilepsy.

Applicants must provide a declaration from a medical practitioner to support their application.


Category 2 – Click Here For an Application Form

This category is for applicants who have debilitating symptom(s) of medical condition(s), other than those described in Category 1.

Under Category 2, persons with debilitating symptoms can apply to obtain an Authorization to Possess dried marijuana for medical purposes, if a specialist confirms the diagnosis and that conventional treatments have failed or judged inappropriate to relieve symptoms of the medical condition. While an assessment of the applicant’s case by a specialist is required, the treating physician, whether or not a specialist, can sign the medical declaration.

You can check eligibility requirements directly on Health Canada’s Site

Category 3 – Click Here For an Application Form

This category is for applicants who hold a current ATP from a Licensed Producer or have a MMAR (pink paper from Health Canada) valid after April 1st, 2014.

Our Services

The London Compassion Society is a Medical Marijuana resource facility. The London Compassion Society is a not for profit organization established in 1995 to serve two purposes:

Our objective is to provide information relating the therapeutic use of cannabis; Our aim is to provide a consistent, safe and dependable source of medical marijuana for people suffering from illness or ailments for which marijuana has been shown to be effective.

The London Compassion Society exists because we believe people are suffering unnecessarily. Cannabis has been used effectively for thousands of years in the treatment of various medical conditions. Cannabis has been shown to be one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to mankind, and unlike most of the alternatives, it has no harmful side effects and produces no physical dependencies.

Membership is free and STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL.

What we require of any prospective member is, PHOTO IDENTIFICATION, COMPLETED APPLICATION FORM, and a PROPER ORIGINAL” DOCTORS LETTER. Once this information is gathered, it is stored in a safe, secure location.

The PRIVACY and CONFIDENTIALITY of all members will be respected and protected at all times.

While our information services are available to anyone, for obvious legal reasons the sale of medical marijuana is restricted to people who satisfy our membership requirements.
